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Surrogacy in the US

Your best source for online surrogacy agency reviews information. Find everything you need to know to start your surrogacy journey today: agencies reviews, tips and more.


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                                                           Surrogacy Directory


ASurrogacy is the first dedicated Surrogacy Directory in the US.


You can find in our listings surrogacy specialists such as doctors, fertility clinics, fertility lawyers and law firms, doulas, counselors, etc. At the same time we offer a list of American Surrogacy agencies, egg donation agencies and surrogacy related sites as well as up to date articles and information about surrogacy in the US that you can find in our blog.


Finding a surrogate is probably one of the most important steps of your surrogacy journey.


There are many ways to go about searching for a surrogate, and many intended parents find themselves overwhelmed with the task. However, with a little planning and a strategy ready, you can find the right surrogate for you and your family.


Surrogacy directory

Some intended parents are comfortable asking someone they know to be their surrogate, and others are not. Likewise, some people are comfortable with a stranger carrying their child while others are not. This is a personal decision and one that can only be decided by considering your needs.


Known surrogates can come with smaller fees, sometimes, and they often understand the struggles the intended parents have faced. However, an unknown surrogate is not likely to remain in the child’s life after giving birth, other than updates that the intended parents make after they take their children home. This means that the carrier will not feel the need to question parental choices the way a friend or family member might do. Again, there is no right or wrong choice, but it is a decision that should not be taken lightly.


Decide if you want an Agency or Independently Supported Surrogate


Finding a surrogate greatly depends on the type of journey you would like to take with her. She can be agency supported or support herself throughout the journey. There are benefits for each, but you should select the journey that matches your wants and needs best.

Independent journeys are often cheaper because they do not have agency fees added to their costs, but agency supported journeys come with a mediator ready to help.


If a problem arises, the agency is prepared to handle disputes. However, an independent surrogate often has experience with surrogacy and plans for these disputes, unless she is a first-time surrogate. Many first-time carriers prefer agency support, though. Like step 1, there is no answer that fits every family or even every journey. Keep your family’s needs at the forefront, and you will make the right choice here

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